5 Pieces of Terrible Weight Loss Advice

5 Pieces of Terrible Weight Loss Advice

Everyone is on their own fitness and health journey. Whether you’re training for that 5k, working to improve your cardiovascular health, or simply looking to trim down and tone up— reaching your end goal is usually accomplished with a little dedication and lots of patience. Unfortunately, there’s no magical cure to get us where we want to be right away.

It all sounds great - the endless promises and guarantees that just by “changing one thing in your diet” you’ll lose weight and keep it off.

You’ve seen many fad diets come and go, but one thing you should keep in mind, is that these fads never last. If you want lasting results, it doesn’t have to be painful or negatively disrupt your daily routine – let’s take a look at “diet” myths and healthier, more sustainable alternatives.

“Just don’t eat THIS”

Whenever a diet asks you to cut out a major macronutrient, run the other way. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are all essential for our bodies to function at their best. While fat-free, no carb diets might be beneficial to certain individuals with health concerns – eating a well-balanced diet (with all of those macronutrients!) is a sustainable and successful start for weight management.

“Try this pill!”

I hate to say it, but there’s no one little pill that can help the weight fall off and never return. Instead, eating a diet rich in nutrients – everything in moderation. This is what will give you the energy needed to live your life and incorporate activity into your routine!

“You'll lose X amount of weight in X amount of days!”

Do I even need to say it? This way of losing weight is obviously not sustainable, because whatever you’re doing/cutting out to achieve this dramatic weight loss cannot be maintained forever. Rather than fasting, cleansing or cutting calories, develop a routine for long-term weight management to slowly.

“Count every calorie”

Not all calories are created equal – just remember that. Focus on nutrient density before calories for long-term weight management. Let’s hear it for fruits and veggies!

“You can eat whatever you want, just do THIS workout”

Movement definitely plays a vital role in any healthy routine, but just because you went for a morning run or hit the gym – doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want later on. Achieve your goals while keeping yourself feeling good about your food choices. Incorporate some hearty food choices post workout, like our SkinnyMe Chocolate - delicious, premium Belgian chocolates - without hurting your health.