Make it a healthy habit

Make it a healthy habit

Morning routines to feel great all day

When the alarm goes off, hitting the snooze button is often your initial, gut reaction. Rather than succumbing to the morning blues, decide to run your day—and not let your day run you. Developing a smart morning routine not only sets the tone for your entire day, but can help empower you to conquer even your wildest schedule.

Here are 5 small morning changes that can help you make the most out of your days:

1. Replenish. Before you reach for your morning cup of coffee, keep in mind that you must hydrate your body with water, too. Research has shown that drinking a cold glass of water first thing in the morning can help jumpstart your metabolism, flush out toxins, and help you stay full, longer.

2. Loosen up. When you hop out of bed, make it a habit to stretch for 5 to 10 minutes each morning. It’s a great way to energize your morning and ease away any stress or tension from the previous night.

3. Put yourself first. You won’t be any use to yourself or the people around you throughout the course of your day if you aren’t feeling your best. Make sure you take some time for yourself each morning, whether it’s a quick jog around your block, a walk with your dog, or reading something enjoyable with a cup of coffee. You’ll be thankful you did.

4. Eat breakfast. The body needs nutrients, and research has shown that if these essential nutrients are missed at breakfast, they are less likely to be compensated for later in the day. Fuel your body first-thing, so you can take on the day with the strength and energy you’ll need.

5. Get outside. Juggling your daily schedule makes it easy to forget the importance of enjoying nature. Each morning, step outside and take a few big deep breaths, allowing the cool air to give you a fresh, much-needed wake-up call. You may be skeptical, but this is a simple act can boost your mood in ways you don’t expect it to.

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